Anything else, you're gambling) aren't based around pointing within a restrictive IR bar that you have to be sitting or standing perfectly center, with no obstructions, and far enough way from the TV for the controls to work right.

Thing is, they'd have to re-tool the game to work around the gyros in the new controllers, because I'm pretty sure the gyro controls in the Switch Joy-Cons and Pro Controllers (again, official ones for sure. Sure, you can get it to be "playable" via the Steam Controller, setting up Dolphin to launch it both games on Steam, and setting up a profile, but when I sure hope you know what button does what when the QTE prompts start showing up!

That being said though, it would be nice if the games that are third party actually got PC ports with support for the Steam controller's, the DS4's (which apparently are pretty good with Steam Input, but seeing as its only used on PS4-exclusive games, it just didn't get a good chance) and the Switch's gyro controls along with inputs for all of them so stuff like the Resident Evil Chronicle games can actually be playable. If anything, I consider the Switch to be a good recipe for a lot of Wii ports like Metroid Prime Trilogy, this, the Resident Evil Chronicle games, No More Heroes (which was all based around motion controls), etc, as far as I can see it as you have the Joy-Cons that don't need a fucking bar with a cable that's far longer than necessary to work properly. Gyro is in all official Switch Pro Controllers for sure and the Joy-Cons. Finally, a new Paper Mario game is rumored, with the site claiming it'll be a "return to the series' RPG roots". That release will be followed up with a Deluxe version of the Wii U's Super Mario 3D World, featuring new content. Supposedly, Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy 1 will be released as "a special anniversary collection", instead of just straight ports. The original story has been updated, with the outlet providing more concrete details from their alleged source. Only time will tell if these rumors turn out to be true, but they certainly would be major announcements, if so.

Yet another reporting site, Gematsu, made its own separate claims that Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario 3D World would be involved, alongside a brand new Paper Mario reveal. VGC's sister site, Eurogamer, also corroborated the story, with their own sources hinting at Super Mario Galaxy being one of the remastered mystery games. News website Video Game Chronicle issued a story claiming that Nintendo would be releasing "several" major games, which would include "most of the Super Mario back catalog, remastered for the Nintendo Switch". Nintendo's mascot is celebrating his 35th anniversary this year, with some possible remasters on the way to mark the occasion, if some rumors are to be believed.