
How to kill a golem
How to kill a golem

how to kill a golem

I know its kinda boring and less then heroic way to do things but frankly you don't have all the best gear in the game so you might as well go with what you got. If you run out of the spell and are unable to kill it, walk away into bed room so you can't see it, wait for its cloud kill to wear off, rest, attack it again, it never regen's it HP. Get it, go back, have fun wacking the giant thing with the little rocks. IF not there try the person selling Scrolls North of the Circus Tent. Try Adventure Mart, if you have Collector's CD I know for a fact the spell is in Adventure Mart. I know for a fact SOMEONE on Wakeen's Prominade has the mage scroll. You definately should have the gold for Minute Meteors. Sell nearly everything that is dropped from all the guards, its a nice peice of Xp and with discount you should be able to get hands on something good. Once you explore you should find there are slaves needing to be rescued, go about, rescue them, and you'll find yourself with a nice discount at the store. Go back to Amn, go to the Copper where you met Nalia in the first place search about that place. But lets say fine you don't want to get wacked about but you want to kill him. If you don't mind getting wacked about why don't you try the flail of ages, all 3 parts of the flail are in the castle, you don't have to venture far to assemble it and I don't wanna post a spoiler about how to assemble it cause I'm sure its easy enough to figure out.

How to kill a golem