Bare Your Midriff: Soleil wears a short top no matter their gender. The Harvest Sprites take care to point out that they'll look after your child for you while you're farming, to avoid the potential Adult Fear aspects of your child being left alone while you work. And Your Reward Is Parenthood: Marry your love interest, and the two of you will eventually have a baby. The game is presumably in Retro Universe like other titles. The characters dress as if they're from different time periods, with, for example, the female protagonist's more modern attire contrasting with Cyril's anachronistic one.
Ambiguous Time Period: Even more-so than most titles due to the general lack of modern technology such as television. Her mother is unknown and her father is King of the Underworld. Gabriel, his mother Sofia, and his brother Michael all have light brown skin and indigenous-looking clothes. This makes it seem like Everyone Is Bi, except you can't marry them. Ambiguously Bi: You can see all the first few Note Events even if you're of the same gender as the character. We can make friends with islanders and start our own family. Rebuilding the village’s lighthouse is our final goal in the game.
In addition to farming and rearing farm animals we will help to rebuild some of the town’s buildings.
Our task will be to help the citizens of the island’s small port town. We play as a sailor whose ship wrecks on a small island that was devastated by a hurricane. Light of Hope stands out among the Harvest Moon games due to its heavy focus on the story. Harvest Moon: Light of Hope for PC, PS4 and SWITCH encompasses all the elements that made the series what it is throughout its twenty years history. Light of Hope was developed by the Japanese studio Natsune that took over the franchise in 2014 when its original developers began to work on Story of Seasons games. Since the series’ inception in 1996 over a dozen Harvest Moon games were released. Harvest Moon: Light of Hope for PC, PS4 and SWITCH is a blend of jRPG, adventure game, and a famring simulator that is a part of the Harvest Moon series.